Wrinkles on YOUR Face..!

“Oh no!” you whisper as you stare at the mirror. “What is it?” asks the wife, looking up in alarm, “You look pale, come we need to take you to the hospital, you’re getting paler. Doctor! Doctor, my husband is turning white. Yes, please send an ambulance, I think it’s…

Father Take Me Back..!

A team invited me to give a talk to prisoners at a prison in Mumbai. What I saw that day as I sat with the prisoners was a sense of sadness. I had expected tough gangsters to be strutting around ready to pounce on me and hold me hostage, but…

Is it ‘Cheers’ Everyday?

“Cheers!” you say, and since you are alone, “Cheers!” you reply and down your drink! Something that is increasing during this lockdown, is social drinking! The one who used to drink once a week, is now enjoying his daily tipple, and what’s more dangerous is that since he can’t drink…

Sir, Did You?

The cars were honking on the road one morning as I made my way to the park, drivers in trucks had their heads out yelling, and motorcyclists worried expressions behind their visors as they looked ahead to see a jam. I walked on ahead and soon found the culprit; a…

Major Breakthrough..!

The patient on the ventilator, in a crowded government hospital ICU in Chennai, heard the sounds of fireworks going off outside, “Looks like there’s a cause for celebrations!” he muttered to himself, just as he heard a stir in the bed next to him, where a Covid-19 patient like himself…