The Sad Train of Donegal..!
It was a choice between visiting a castle in Donegal, Ireland or going to a train museum. I love trains and decided I’d prefer the train museum, but it was a different museum from what my wife and I had expected. It was a museum about a train line that…
Just Arrange Your Mind..!
The ninety two year-old, petite, well-poised and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o’clock, with her hair fashionably coifed and makeup perfectly applied, even though she is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today. Her husband of 70 years recently passed away, making the move…
Go Bob, Go…!
No, this article isn’t about me, though like you even I could do with some cheerleaders cheering me once in a way. As I watch the cheerleaders at the IPL matches I remember an article that appeared in one of our national dailies, and as I read on, tears came…
Dare to be Unpopular..!
Over three decades ago, while a young Rotarian, a game was played by the over hundred members of my club, and it was about who they felt was most popular. I was pleasantly surprised to find I had won. Two years later, there were some issues I felt I had…
Like Rahul, Ignore the Boos..!
The stock markets are getting shaky! All because one man who has been continuously booed is causing supposedly invincible opponents to start looking worried! Rahul Gandhi, for nearly a decade he has been joked about, lampooned, ridiculed and booed by the prime minister and the ruling party, but suddenly the whole nation is looking…