Today, I’m going to draw from my book DARE again, and if you’ve read the book, do bear with me! It was the last choral practice before the final performance, and as I stood, along with the rest of the choir, and watched our conductor, Coomi Wadia, with deft movement…
Dare to Be Unique..!
Dare to Persevere at this Time..!
Now? During the Coronavirus? Are you joking? No, I’m not! Because perseverance means succeeding because you’re determined to, not because you’re entitled to. Achievers don’t sit back and wait for success because they think the world ‘owes them’. Ask God for direction, then go forward and refuse to quit. You…
My Grateful Thanks to You..!
One writes a book, envisages a gathering of maybe fifty friends and well-wishers at the launch, then waits with baited breath to see and hear their reactions about the book, but what I saw that day at the first launch of DARE in Mumbai ( first because God willing there…
Dare Go Out and Bat..!
When my book DARE was getting ready to be launched, I didn’t miss an opportunity to go to book stores and see what the competition was like. “How are the sales of your motivational books?” I would ask a book seller. “Sometimes beats fiction sales!” he would say happily, making…
Choosing Good Friends..!
In my book, ‘DARE’ which should come out quite soon, I have a chapter, ‘Dare to Make and Keep Friends’, but today I’m not going to quote from my book but about choosing friends! As the old adage says, “A Man is known by the company he keeps” and so…
Vikram’s Moon Landing..!
What did you think of our attempt to land on the moon? Disappointed? Or did you feel we are not big enough to attempt something so huge? I’m going to quote from my own book DARE, which is to be launched in a month. The chapter I’m quoting from is…