How Strong Is Your Table?

Page after page of all the newspapers are filled with deaths and other grim situations of the pandemic, so much so that smiles, grins and laughter seem to have disappeared and yes, the masks haven’t helped! A professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in…

I Can’t Breathe..!

Even as I hear the dying cry of George Floyd gasping, ‘I can’t breathe!’ I wonder who it is that cannot breathe? Is it the black minority that gasps under the weight of a white majority? Or is it the white majority that sees African Americans enjoying their same freedom,…

Yesterday’s Cyclone and YOUR Anchor..!

There was more fear yesterday over the imminent cyclone lashing Mumbai, than the coronavirus! Locals, spent all their time, finding out how close the cyclone was while barricading their windows, charging their phones and white faced phoning those who lived outside the city, telling them how afraid they were! A…

Turning Veg..!

After reading a full page advertisement in yesterday’s newspaper, advising everybody to become vegetarians, my millionaire neighbour a diehard non- vegetarian decided he would become a veggie. “One might as well get used to something before it becomes a law and takes you by total surprise,” he said as he…