It was the annual parent’s teachers meeting at the local Jewish school. The teacher, a lady with a long,hooked nose, looked at the parents sitting in front of her, they were many and she wondered irritably how long it would take before she finished with all of them. “Next,” she…
Jesus, at School..!
Jesus, Women and Paul..!
Just about a hundred years ago in what was then and is still, the most advanced country in the world; the USA, women couldn’t vote. In so many churches till date, women can’t preach or hold leadership positions! And very often whenever women protest about this rather unseemly unfairness, what…
Jesus and Lynching..!
Mob lynching comes from Bible, says Mohan Bhagwat (RSS Chief) …India Today, 9th Oct Ah sir, so a gruesome word like ‘lynching’ has been cleverly ascribed to Jesus, a man who lived on earth without sin? There were many who twisted such lines during his life, so that he could…
Be a Master Communicator..!
Today you and I communicate more than ever before, and through the mobile, social media, TV, radio and other ways we are breaking all transmission barriers. But, and, this is a big but, you and I are communicating but are we good communicators? Are you really able to communicate your…