Stick it Out..!
Don’t give up! There are many of us, bruised, bloodied and battered, who want to quit the race, quit their business, or just raise their hands in surrender. Don’t! Just stick it out! Finish your race! This happened at the Mexico City Olympics Stadium. Over an hour earlier, Mamo Waldi…

A Lifetime of Empathy..!
She was young and her eyes blazed with excitement and joy as she looked at me, “I’ve got a first class with distinction,” she said. “Congratulations!” I said and hugged her. I looked at her and remembered the same face streaked with tears two years ago as she learned she…

Faith and Work Go Together..!
Most of us spend a greater part of our lives worrying about things not going right. Right? But did just worrying about a situation ever change anything? Did it make your wife start loving you, or your husband faithful? Or did it make a test score higher? Did it put…

We Are Human…!
The other day, while assuring my daughter not to be afraid of a particular situation because God would see her through, she replied, “I know dad, but I’m human!” I thought about it and remembered an incident, related by a single parent: ‘A recently divorced man with full custody of…

Give Me A Path of Ease..!
“Oh Lord,” I prayed this morning when I woke, “Give me a path of ease!” I had slept badly last night, thinking of a meeting I had with troublemakers who were bent on creating a disturbance at an AGM, and I longed for ease and calm, till I remembered the…