Let’s not mince words but during the last few months, our country has been going through some pretty bad terror attacks!
Yes, there’s a soft terror that’s going unchecked in our country! As I watch politicians in our country speaking what they want and getting away with it, I’ve often wondered how they manage to get away very often with murder? Sadly, as long as we have a system where courts take fifteen or twenty years or even a lifetime to decide an issue, there is no parameter or boundary which the politician won’t transcend!
The only fear the politician ever had was for the law but if justice takes this long to act, then there is really no law.
Justice delayed, is totally, completely, justice denied.
Knowing this, you will notice the last thing the politician wants to do is to get this system right. India cannot call itself a democracy if the law takes so long to act. Today, I hear of hundreds of thousands of acts of goondagiri, committed by thugs who know that even if a case is filed against them, it will take dozens of years till it comes up for hearing, and what do they do in those years? They threaten the witnesses, which is why very often you hear of witnesses turning hostile, and they intimidate the complainant! They then, if they have money and power, get police and other authorities to bully the person who has filed the case, till that man or woman in fear and desperation withdraws the case.
The politician, whose duty it is to see that we have thousands of more judges, and thousands of more courts, is certainly not bothered about this terrible lapse of democracy.
In Mumbai, over ten years ago, bars had to stop having dances, and after over a decade the court strikes the order down as unconstitutional, but what about all the dancers who lost their livelihood these many years because a minister in the last government wanted to be a moral policeman?
Today, different governments dictate what you and I can eat and drink and even read, and even if the ban is struck down years later, still unfairness of your right to choose exists for that many years.
We need to get this system righted!
A rich man gets sent a legal notice and goes to his lawyer, “What should I do with this?” he asks.
“Tear it up and put it in the wastepaper basket,” the lawyer grins, “And bully the fellow till he withdraws the case!”
Are you and I fooling ourselves we live in a democracy because we have elections? We elect men and women who know they wield a power you and I can do nothing about.
It is time to start a mass protest asking for more courts, more judges, and immediate justice, otherwise what we have now is soft terrorism, more deadly, more effective than any other kind of terror we hear of, because here the terrorist goes free and continues his attacks..!
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Lots of problems. How these problems can be solved
It’s worrying.
So true. Horrendous reality.
(To all the women out there. You are not alone.)
A rape victim pleads in court for justice,
Amidst sneers, taunts and malice.
Cloaked puppets controlled by trumpets
attempt to obliterate evidence under the carpet.
No remorse on counsels faces, a smirk instead!
Molested woman screams “I’m as good as dead.”
Jeered by crowds, ravaged as meat,
Victim refuses to accept defeat.
Repeated attempts to get the thugs booked
Fails when abusers get “unhooked.”
Maligned, maimed and blamed.
Victim strangulates herself in shame.
When justice is delayed,
When there is no aide,
When witnesses are afraid,
When justice is denied.
Victim feels betrayed.
Let’s revolt, fight for justice,
TOGETHER, we can eliminate this MALPRACTICE.
Like the INDIA bloc, unity’s the key to justice being the result. Democracy should be fought for. As you’ve so rightly said, Bobby, surgical strikes are terrorist acts. A no man’s land occupied by the enemy is a gift from the internal enemy who divides and rules our nation by his watching democrats with the pegasus and without even an FIR filed jails them where they kill them by the denial of medicine or even a sipper besides alleging that they’re anti national.