New Year Advice for India…!
And as the New Year dawns and we Indians face another year like the rest of the world, let us realise that we are living not in isolation but with the Rest of the World. In a country that believes in mentors and gurus, we seem to be moving away…

Let’s Learn from Bangladesh..!
Most Indians are shocked by the violence against Hindus and the destruction of temples in Bangladesh. Even as our minds look with disbelief, remembering the sacrifice of our brave soldiers liberating Bangladesh, while fighting a war on two flanks, we need to also look at our own country with the…

Legal, Official, Bribery..!
There’s a new method of bribery which has come into being in our nation; the legal, official bribe! We’ve just seen this in the Maharashtra elections where women were promised one thousand five hundred rupees per month by a party. The party won, the people are jubilant, thinking they have…

Adani-A Wake Up Call..!
Even as we jump around, screaming over the US court indictment of Adani, baying for blood, or shouting, ‘racial bias’, let’s press pause and look at what the real issue is all about, then ask ourselves how it affects us. The real issue is bribery! Nothing works in our nation…

Loud, Garish Music..!
A very stringent anti-conversion law that will ensure zero religious conversions in Maharashtra will be enacted once the Mahayuti comes to power… Times of India, 11th Nov Was driving down a silent road one night, when I heard the sound of loud music, and found another car drawing up close,…