Broaden Your Cave..!
As I explored the ancient regions of Cappadocia and walked gingerly into the seven cave churches, I found some delightful insights. I found that it was not St George alone who fought the dragon but he was ably assisted by another warrior and horseman, St Theodore! Now there be very…

The Train of Life..!
It was a 1947 steam engine. I looked at the pictures of it. It was going to do a heritage run and the whole city was excited last Sunday. Every station that the train passed was crowded with young and old. The old telling the young that the iron monster…

Home Is Where the Heart Is..!
A few years back I’d gone to spend a month in Europe. It had been an exciting trip and I’d made many friends and visited wonderful places but when I boarded the Alitalia flight back home, there was an incredible childlike ecstasy like nothing I’d ever experienced before. I actually…

China Edging Closer..!
In the days of old, even just a hundred years ago, nations made secret agreements with each other. These treaties were thrown on the face of a warring enemy, who suddenly realized they had a more formidable conflict in their hands after they saw the secret treaty. Some important secret…

Tall Trains and Low Bridges..!
For a few years now, Mumbai has been talking about air-conditioned local suburban trains! Every day as commuters sweat it out in the stuffy, humid jam packed trains, they have been dreaming of the day when ACs will cool their journey to the city. Four million people must be having…