Here’s a story: One evening a man was addressing a workshop on the concept of work culture. One of the participants asked, “I am a senior manager of a materials department and joined an organization twenty five years ago as an engineer trainee and over the last 25 years I have gone through every experience in the organization.”
“During the initial part of my career, the job was very challenging and interesting. However, all those exciting days are gone since I do not find my job any more interesting because there is nothing new. I am now feeling bored because I am doing a routine job.”
“However, Sir, I am living in the same house for over forty years, I am the son for the same parents for over forty five years, I am the father for the same children for the past ten years and the husband for the same lady for the past twenty years ! In these personal roles I do not feel bored Please tell me why I am bored in my office and not in my home?”
The response from Scholar was very interesting and convincing. He asked the executive the question: “Please tell me for whom does your mother cook?”
The executive replied that obviously the mother cooks for others.
Then the scholar replied, “Your mother serves others and because of this service mindedness, she is not feeling tired or bored, but in an office we ‘work’ and do not ‘serve’. Anything we consider, as service will not make us feel bored. That is difference between serving and working.”
“When you start considering your work as service watch and see the change in you!”
This was a very interesting analysis!! Whenever you see a broader meaning for your work, you will take interest in your work and it will make a very big difference in your internal energy.
Coming back to the priest in the leprosy home: He did not see the feeding, the educating, the cleaning of the children as a tedious job he had to do, he saw it as service he was rendering. He was not bored, though he had no car no air conditioned room or most of the facilities we enjoy: He served with a smile.
Let’s start looking at what we do in the same way. Notice the people who benefit from what you are doing, whatever your profession. If you are a salesman imagine the end result of your product, if you are a businessman start thinking of serving your customers instead of just the aspect of making a profit.
Start serving and watch a smile replace your boredom..!
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Mother serves for her children and near relatives which I feel is selfish act as compared to social worker.
My husband enjoys being an enabler to the world. To help me he thinks is a duty and tries to put it off. I was happy as a teacher but as a mother felt dutybound. It is freedom when you do as you like but happiness if it is what you like that you’re doing. So a hobby should be the career to do it well.