Most of us are happy being cultural followers of our religion, and for the most part we get upset with another community when they belittle our religion, not because of any spiritual reason but because we feel we have been disrespected.
I know many who have no belief in God, but are disturbed when an altar is desecrated or a cross is knocked down.
Actually, a spiritual person should not get too bothered about such, because if his belief is deep and real he or she knows no power on earth can destroy that faith.
But most of us exist with a shallow cultural identity.
Take Christmas for example; I’d written a play which spoke about the real meaning of Christmas, which was about God who sent His Son to be born on earth, live on earth with us, feel the hardships we go through and finally die for our wickedness, so we could have direct access to God without need for a sacrifice.
The play is finally going to be put up by dedicated people all over the country and abroad, but the excuses I got by many against it, made me realise how ashamed we were to introduce others to the truth.
We know we have a God who reached down to us, when everybody else is trying to reach up to Him, and we fight shy to talk about this?
At the beginning of the play, the Israelites are shown wrongly worshiping the golden calf. In a frenzy of excitement they turn to the audience and pointing to the calf, sing out:
Here’s a god we can touch and feel, a god that we can hold
Not a god to whom we only kneel, but a god made of pure gold’
Just look at this golden calf just look, and what dear friends do you see
Some invisible, distant, far off god, or one that’s for you and me?
How they longed for a god they could relate to and finally at the end of the play when Jesus is shown lying in a manger, the people are ecstatic as they shout and sing:
Here’s a God we can touch and feel, a God you and I can hold
Not a God, to whom we only kneel, but a God we tightly enfold’
Just look at this little One, just look, and tell me what do you see
Some invisible, distant, fearsome god? No, one that’s for you and me!!!!
That is the joy we should be showing others not just during Christmas, but every day of our life, that in Christ being born in a manger, a far off, lofty, out of reach God, became an available God.
A famous guruji once sat with me and explained his faith and asked me if he was wrong. “No” I said, “I am not here to criticise your faith, but to tell you God got fed up with us trying to reach up to Him, and created a shortcut by sending Himself down to us.”
Such a simple message. Say it without antagonising anyone, God came down for us.. all of us..!
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God is supreme. We all follow HIS teachings to be honest, kind, helpful to others. ????????????
Bobby, thank you for the reminder of Jesus giving us the Great commission. God will honour you when you honour Him. You’re full of His joy as you obey Him You spread peace as you share the Prince of Peace with others.Love for others is manifested by doing so.