He Wept…!
Yes, He did! Not when everything was falling apart. Not when things were going bust. Not when He was hanging on the cross, with wrenching pain from every bruised and injured part of His battered, exhausted body, but when He was just about to perform the greatest miracle of all…
Just As I Am..!
Billy Graham is dead. The man who was revered by every American president, who vied to have him at their Inaugurals, died a few years ago at the grand old age of ninety-nine. Once while visiting Chicago, I had gone over to the Billy Graham Museum, and with all the…
When Confronted with Fear..!
Though there are fears untold and stern Confronting me on my way Willingly still would I go, not turn; For God walks besides me each day! On a bright Sunday morning a little fellow was on his way for a picnic with his mother. Soon the sights and sounds of…
God and the Loch Ness Monster..!
It was a sharp burst of pain that shot through my knee. I blamed it on my treadmill, and thought maybe I’d speeded up a bit, and should have kept going a bit slower, “Why God?” I asked as the pain refused to go, “Why this sudden pain?” Since I…
Tell it like it is….!
Most of us are happy being cultural followers of our religion, and for the most part we get upset with another community when they belittle our religion, not because of any spiritual reason but because we feel we have been disrespected. I know many who have no belief in God,…