Not Out..!

A few years ago, Indian cricket was against modern technology that would reduce human error in umpiring decisions!

In other words they preferred human error to continue. Because as a nation, human error is what we can control!

We oppose anything that will make decisions more transparent.

A friend of mine was accosted by a traffic cop at a signal, “Bob!” he cried to me on the phone, “I swear I didn’t cut the signal; the policeman just wants to make money!”

“Let me speak to the cop!” I said.

“Why make such a fuss,” chuckled the constable on the phone,” just tell him to pay five hundred rupees and we’ll let him go!”

“No!” I shouted, “The signal is equipped with a camera, we’ll see the footage in court!”

“Sir,” said the policeman, suddenly very respectful, “we are allowing him to go!”

It was over in a jiffy.

And the stories go on: The chairman of a religious trust; a man who portrayed his seemingly deep religious convictions to the outside world, was caught breaking the rules of the trust and during the meeting, resigned from his chairmanship and also from the post of the editor.

He however, changed his mind later, “I didn’t resign!” he said quietly to his staff the next morning.

“Well,” I said, when I was told, “just tell him that there’s not a meeting where I don’t record everything on my iPad or phone!”

He resigned immediately as he realised I had recorded what had transpired at the meeting.

It’s sad that I must record every meeting I attend, whether religious or secular, because most in our country rely on ‘human error’!

“No,” shout certain committee members, “That was not passed!” And then a silence as they find out it’s been recorded.

A corrupt municipal engineer once told me, “You can’t prove anything!”

“I can,” I told him quietly, “I’ve taken photographs!”

“Your digital photos are not accepted by the municipality! “He said.

“I know,” I said, “Which is why I took them with my old camera!”

The fight will go on. We will fight to retain ‘human error’ as our shield, but it is a losing fight, as the cricket board soon found out!

As I mentioned in a column two days ago, the principal of a school had stopped the payment owed to a writer because it was not inked. Just imagine her surprise if she finds that her conversation on agreeing to that amount was recorded.

But what I fear is that one day, even when a cricketer is found out, we will say no, he isn’t.

That’s already happening, as the world shouts, ‘Howzatt!” But we refuse to accept decisions about where we are placed on the ‘hunger index’ ‘poverty index’ freedom of speech, and ‘freedom of religion’

Sadly, we cry ‘Not out..!’


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3 thoughts on “Not Out..!”

  1. Epic.

    Your thoughts left me “clean bowled” on the reality pitch of our economy.

    The “asking rate” of growth still remains far-fetched and unaccomplished.

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