Mayday! My Ship’s Run Aground..!

‘Ahoy! Ship aground!’ I nearly shouted, as a couple of years ago while driving down near Worli Sea face in Mumbai, my wife and I saw the strangest of sights; just a couple of hundred feet away from us, loomed a ship, huge and gigantic. There was something awesome, though pitifully pathetic in seeing such master of the seas, now lying helpless and powerless on rocks it had drifted onto. I asked around and was told there had been a storm the previous night and the ship had lost its anchor, and so had been tossed about by the rough, tumultuous waves and cruel wind and finally cast ashore.

On board, peering down, were the small figures of sailors; sad and downcast to see their mighty ship aground. Somewhere on the ship I am sure an equally forlorn captain must have been staring at a useless wheel that could steer no more.

All because it had lost its anchor!

A few years before this incident I sat on the banks of the mighty Niagara Falls. The falls are one of the most powerful and spectacular sights I have ever seen in my life. As I sat and watched the rough river and felt the ferocious wind, I realized how tiny, insignificant and helpless I felt and wondered whether the same feeling came upon people who were weighed down and blown around by jumbo troubles and worries; when they felt themselves adrift and about to drown.

The Niagara River, I was told, has a couple of interesting signs upstream of the famous falls. There is one by the side of the river visible to daredevil boaters that reads: “Do you have an anchor?”

If you don’t have one don’t venture into the waters!

I have found that a solid anchor is indispensable to one who intends to live life fully. To have an anchor is to be well centered and well grounded. It is to have a vital spiritual base. Is this true of us? We drift from one spiritual leader to another, seeking blessings and guidance and find we are still adrift. The godman whom we follow has his weaknesses, the religion we move into doesn’t satisfy, and we drift to the next pilgrimage centre and new devotional experience.

The next sign that the boatman sees on the Niagara is: “Do you know how to use an anchor?” There’s no point having faith or a so-called belief in the Almighty if you don’t know how to use it or approach Him!

We all come to that stage in our lives when there is no way back and no way around. We have to go through. You know what I mean: We find ourselves up against a critical loss, an irreversible set back or a course of action that cannot be changed. There is no way back and no way around. We have to go through. Have you ever been through the feeling that you are not in control? That circumstances beyond you are taking over your life? Well, this is the time to weigh anchor. To stop every other activity and ask God to take over.

Try it, it’s amazing how the Anchor works.

Even a small ship like you, can venture into deep waters and weather major storms if you have an anchor. Of course you will be tossed about a bit but will not capsize or run aground, will not wreck or overturn if you know how to weigh anchor.

What do you plan to do when the storms of life strike you?

Get an Anchor, learn how to use that lifeline and you need never be afraid again..!


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2 thoughts on “Mayday! My Ship’s Run Aground..!”

  1. Praise the Lord! Jesus Christ is my anchor, I have it’s all because of Him. My trust my everything! Praise the Lord!

  2. “To realize the worth of an anchor, we need to feel the storm.”

    ….and the storm, no matter how harsh will subside with our “Anchor” by our side.

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