You would think this lockdown period would give us forced time to be still and rest, wouldn’t you? But from what I hear, worry, and despair, has made this quarantine a time of frenzied struggle. We are not battling with competitors outside but warring with imaginary demons inside our mind.
In one of the American magazines which carry my column, I found this beautiful piece by Randy Simmons.
‘On an early summer afternoon, I saw her. She was a young whitetail doe only about 20 feet from the road with her hind foot entangled in a fence. She struggled fiercely, but unsuccessfully, to free herself. I felt I had to try to help her, and as I pulled my car to a stop, she intensified her struggle.
I slowly approached the young deer, speaking calmly to her in a soothing voice and praying silently for guidance and help. The deer thrashed wildly as I approached, her panic increasing the closer I got. She was on the side of the fence opposite the road, which provided me the protection of the fence if she tried to attack me.
Expecting the worst, I walked up to the fence and gently placed my hand on her trapped foot. To my great surprise, the young doe immediately ceased her struggles. Even more surprising, she quietly lay on the ground, not moving, as I tried to free her, I realized that my hands were in the wrong position to free her foot, and I had to let go off her to reposition my hands.
As soon as I removed my hand, the deer sprang up in a wild panic and resumed her wild thrashing, but as soon as I gripped her leg again, she lay quietly in the grass. With a bit of effort I was able to spread the wires apart and free her skinned and bloodied leg. When I removed her leg away from the fence and released it, she jumped to her feet and sped across the field to a clump of trees, her white tail held high like a flag. She never looked back.’
Dear Frenzied, frantic, frenetic friend, the young whitetail doe is a lot like most of us at this moment. We are fighting and struggling to free ourselves, but the more we struggle, we’re destined to remain trapped without outside help from a higher power.
Unlike the deer, a lot of us cry out for God to rescue us, then continue to struggle, making it more difficult or God to release us from our trap. Randy Simmons could not do anything while the deer struggled, and God cannot do anything with a panic stricken mind. Cease your struggle, look up to Him, and watch Him, sort things out.
Just try it today, ‘Let Go, Let God..!’
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” Be still and know that I am God “,
Is that the key ??
May not be easy, but it’s worth a try.
It’s easy, once you give it a try!
How nicely explained. As they say, even great wars are won or lost first in the mind.
A kind and caring attitude to all HIS creations is the only true service.
Amen! Well said!
‘When grey threads mar life’s pattern,
And seem so out of line,
Just trust the Master Weaver,
Who planned the whole design !’
Great parallel drawn that ended with good advice that I find I must share as I find workoholics pining.
Be still
GOD surely knows everything
Faith does Miracle’s
I can say all this because I have gone through this situation in my life
A very meaningful message indeed !