He Wept…!

Yes, He did! Not when everything was falling apart. Not when things were going bust. Not when He was hanging on the cross, with wrenching pain from every bruised and injured part of His battered, exhausted body, but when He was just about to perform the greatest miracle of all time; making a dead man walk out of his grave.

Why would He weep before such a wondrous, supernatural occurrence?

Would any magician weep before impressing an audience? Wouldn’t a Houdini have squared his shoulders, revealed half a smirk on his confident face, knowing in another magical moment, crowds would stand thrilled, spellbound, at some enchanting feat?

Why, even you and me, when about to enthral an audience with a fascinating joke or story, knowing that soon they will be applauding us, do we weep before we begin?

But Jesus did.

And in those tears before he performed His miracle, we see the character of God.

Come with me, and look closer at the audience who are about to witness a dying man coming out of his grave, days after he has died. They weep, they cry, they are totally distraught. Two sisters of the dead man run to Him as soon as they hear Jesus has arrived, and in different ways express their disappointment that He’s arrived too late.

He could have grinned. Hugged them and at the same time winked at his disciples, drawing them into a conspiracy of what He was about to do.

But Jesus is in the very middle of the sorrow around. He feels the grief. He feels the pain. And the anguish around engulfs Him.

What a message for each one of us. Oh yes, we know that the worst tragedy in our lives cannot replace our divine tomorrow, and that even as we go through something terrible, there’s a God beckoning us to an anointed, exalted and sanctified future, and so often in the grief of others, we mention such thoughts of comfort.

But, can we go to the same grief-stricken person and say, “He understands, He weeps with you!”?

Can we tell this to ourselves even as we walk through the valleys of shadows of death, that even as the solving of the problems will soon take place, that God deeply feels our present pain? That in living on earth Jesus felt the grief around. Felt the hunger, which is why the five and four thousand were fed, even as He was feeding them spiritual food with His words. Felt also our misplaced reasons in not believing in Him, crying, ‘Father forgive them for they know not what they do!’

In those tears He feels and knows the reasons for our pain and doubts, but hush look what’s happening; Lazarus walks out, and in the raising of dead Lazarus, He showed He was a God who’d come down to solve those qualms of unbelief…!


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2 thoughts on “He Wept…!”

  1. Inspiring message.

    Yes, we usually associate “tears” to sorrow or loss but these “tears” also often represent a healthy natural response of accomplishment, joy or a psychological gain just before or after a positive event.

  2. When tears wash our eyes, we see clearer the pain of others.The Bible tells us to be empathetic. ‘Weep with those who weep’, is Jesus’ instruction’. His promise is, ‘Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted’.He collects our tears in a bottle.’ Sunshine all the time would create a desert. There’s glory in the cross and we thus share in Jesus’ suffering and glory .

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