It was a sharp burst of pain that shot through my knee.
I blamed it on my treadmill, and thought maybe I’d speeded up a bit, and should have kept going a bit slower, “Why God?” I asked as the pain refused to go, “Why this sudden pain?”
Since I walk every morning and at quite a good speed, I was a little surprised, and as the pain intensified through the day, looked upward and questioned God again and again as the day progressed, and then suddenly it vanished, just as suddenly as it had come but not before I’d ordered a pair of knee braces so I could continue with my daily walks.
I packed those knee braces into my bags as we left for a holiday to England, Scotland and Ireland, a few days ago, though my wife a doctor, said, that maybe they weren’t necessary, but necessary it’s become.
You don’t ride through the old quarter of London, you walk if you want to see the old sights, and as we trudged along, those sharp pains returned. But like a magician pulling a rabbit from his bag of tricks I pulled out my knee contraption, and happily trekked the lengths of London, visited the bones of my favourite writer at Strafford upon Avon, and now in Scotland with its climbing pathways, I every once in a way glance at my surprised knees who thought perchance they would be resting in my hotel, with bouts of pain they would have made me go through.
“You see dear knees,” I tell them, “God decided to warn me!”
Yes, God did, and I must have cursed the pain that day, as much as we curse when things don’t go our way. And I do believe that His children are looked after like nobody else on earth. All of us love Psalm 91, but I wonder whether we see the true meaning of the Psalm in also the preventive actions the Lord takes: Say’s the Psalm, ‘If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, 10 no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. 11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; 12 they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
What powerful words, and yet the Psalmist’s words could be His angels ministering to us in ways other than physically lifting us out of danger by jumping out of the sky. It could be knee pain, before a trek, like mine, or a traffic jam, stopping you from the spot you would have been involved in an accident.
Have we ever thought God is always at work in the lives of His believers? He is in mine, and if it wasn’t so, I wouldn’t be having the knees to check out Nessie the Loch Ness monster tomorrow..!
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Communication with GOD and Prayers for His Blessings in addition to our being honest, kind, and helpful to needy our problems are looked after by Supremo GOD
God is praiseworthy as He is trustworthy when He says, ‘Call unto me and I’ll answer.’ He promised, ‘Ask and you will receive.’ When He speaks,listen. When He points, look in the direction He shows. Thank Him for listening,directing and in love and mercy giving all good things. God is good!
So true! Lovely message.
Everything happens for a reason. Just trust in God.
Reminds me of William Shakespeare’s quote from “AS YOU LIKE IT”
“All the world’s a stage. And all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances……”