Churches, Courts and Lucifer..!

“When you have something against another Christian, why do you file a lawsuit and ask a secular court to decide the matter?” 1 Corinthians 6:1
Oh what a mockery we make of our Christianity!
I once attended Christmas at a church, and there, instead of the good priest talking joyously about the birth of Christ he talked about a violent headache he was having!
“Was the priest upset the little baby Jesus was born in a manger?” I asked a member of the congregation while we stood outside after service.
“No, he’s tense; waiting for the court verdict!” said the same member looking at me strangely, “the Bishop’s thrown him out and he’s filed a case!”
And the story goes on.
At another church I hear fireworks and wondered whether Easter was being celebrated ahead of time. “We won the case!”
“What case?” I asked.
“Land case! Now we can build our houses in the church compound!”
How long will it be before you build your houses inside the church?
I envisage a church service soon, that will follow along these lines:
“Our reading”, announces the priest, “will be from the Judgement of D’ Monte versus the church in the famous case of 1964 when the court ruled in favour of D’Monte, regarding tenancy rights of the church vestry!”
The congregation stands as a senior member does the reading from a modern law book, which has replaced the Bible on the pulpit. The padre then walks to the pulpit and announces: “Our first hymn is Onward Christian People!”
New hymnals with new words are opened and people sing out lustily:

“Onward Christian people battling out in court
Razing cross and steeple, give Satan yer vote
Lawyers, clerks and judges, smile at us with glee,
As the churches offertory, becomes their daily fee.
Onward Christian people, going all out to war
Armed not with the Bible, but with the books of Law!

“Dearly beloved,” says the priest as the people sit, “I am glad you sent me to Law school last year! Seminary training is now obsolete, most seminaries have closed down and young priests now study in colleges of Law and are grabbed by churches immediately!”
The congregation clap enthusiastically, but their beloved padre motions them to silence, “Today our guest speaker is my Prof in college, and the one who wrote the best seller, “How to Oust your Bishop.” And is now writing his latest; ‘Selling Church Land!’ Ladies and gentlemen, Professor Lucifer!”
Not one member of the congregation is perturbed with the horns on the professor’s head, nor the tail, which he carefully places on top of the pulpit.
“Dear church,” cackles Professor Lucifer, “I hope you don’t mind the new choir, with their horns and tails, that I’ve brought with me, directly from hell. With all the good court work you’re doing, I thought it would be good to have a glimpse of those you will be joining soon.!”


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12 thoughts on “Churches, Courts and Lucifer..!”

  1. Remembering the Lord’s word:
    Matthew 16:18
    18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
    (He is faithful to the end. Let the Mighty Reverential Fear of God fall on His people so we may experience the Goodness of God which leads us to repentance).

  2. Sometimes, the trustees and Bishops do the Works of Lucifer that of grabbing Church lands for personal gain and the Lord raises a David to fight the Goliath of corruption. That too is the other side of the same coin

  3. It is so painful to hear what is happening in the churches today. What legacy are we leaving behind our the gen nex? Most of the young have many questions about what you have rightly mentioned. Wish more like-minded to get the wake up call to stop further destruction. Thanks Bob for your excellent article. Enjoy reading it over and over

  4. Sadly bishops are power hungry unlike missionaries who face persecution as Jesus warned them of as He did though The Master of everything. With no fear of God, bishops choose mammon over The Creator

  5. Sad and painful reality – expressed meaningfully! There are several situations similar to this – divisions based on power, fame, caste etc; open letters and washing the dirty linen in public, manipulating media and becoming the cause of destroying the faith of simple, innocent people. The early Christians were known for their love for each other and unity among themselves but now, the Church is forgetting the reason for its existence. It’s time to think seriously, repent and change!

  6. Yeah, sometimes feel like telling hem o practice what they preach. Then remember thaat GOD will do d needful, I just have to trust him. Prateet iis d oly thing that works.

  7. I was at first astonished at the Title but gradually understood the significance. Unfortunately that’s what’s facing the Church today. But I’m reminded about Christ’s promise. The gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

  8. Matthew 16:18
    18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

    Our Lord & Saviour Christ Jesus is saying the Eternal Words of His Kingdom being build on this rock, the Rock of Righteousness of GOD, ( Abraham believed in GOD, and it is considered as Righteousness. Genesis 15:6). When we listen to HIM , we believe in Him , who is the Author and Perfecter of Our Faith Romans 10:17. When we don’t listen to Him, His Word the evil one will come take away the Word, (Matthew 13:19) Our Free Will to Choose GOD, and His Word As with God everything is possible

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