A Business Called Religion..!

I remember being invited for a dinner meeting where a religious international speaker spoke on some topic which I noticed was of much interest to the audience as there was a huge crowd there. “What do you do Bob?” he asked just after the meeting.

“I write!” I said.

“You do, then you should meet this famous Indian journalist I’ve just been introduced to! Come with me!”

I went with him eager to meet someone who was also involved in the business of newspapers, but was sorely disappointed as he introduced me to the ‘famous’ Indian journalist. “Ah here he is, meet Bob,” said the kind speaker, “I’m going to leave you two alone to discuss your writing!”

“Which newspapers do you write for?” I asked.


“Yes,” I said, “I was told you were a famous journalist!”

“Who told you that?” he asked furtively.

“Today’s speaker!” I said.

“I write for a few church magazines,” he said, “I freelance!”

I wished him well and moved away, realizing what must have taken place, when the poor speaker must have been waylaid by this esteemed gentleman and told about his foray in the national press. Cards must have been exchanged and I am sure that either two things must have happened by now, either a dozen dinner invitations, or funds to continue his writings must have exchanged hands.

Likewise, I see in such gatherings many others who have made religion a business. I do agree that money and sustenance are needed to keep the home fires going for such of my brethren, but what sir is the result?

The actual work of promoting the gospel, of speaking about Jesus to our millions is done by people who ask for nothing, and whose needs are met by a very providing God.

It isn’t very difficult to raise money from churches abroad. Put together a few pictures of starving children, snaps of ramshackle shelters and money pours in.

“How can we eat so well and live our contented lives with the poor in your country,” they sigh and send their dollars, which help many of these ‘businessmen’ send their children to school, or college abroad!

Oh yes, there are those who work genuinely, but they are forgotten, they don’t have the money or clothes to attend these very fancy dinners. They work diligently and see their mansions in heaven slowly taking shape while these others through garnering foreign funds, illegally selling church land and property, or living in 5 Star hotels paid by unsuspecting donors, while they distribute religious books, build theirs here on earth through a business called religion!

Those mansions on earth will be useless once they enter the coffin!

Remember, there’s only one mention of Jesus losing his temper, and that’s when he saw business being done, using His Father’s temple, right?


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3 thoughts on “A Business Called Religion..!”

  1. Rajnish had a skyscraper next to slums abroad. He was finally deported for using women to get rich and not paying taxes. True disciples of Jesus, serve Him lovingly and the poor, obediently, and a home on high in God’s kingdom. ?

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