Settling Her Down..!

“Bob, please look for a suitable boy for my daughter!” said the voice of an old friend of mine on the phone. “So your daughter has finally decided to get married?” I asked surprised. “No, but I want her to settle down!” said the mother. Settle down! What a sentence;…

A Huge Cheque..!

It was a huge cheque I saw in the newspaper! Specially made for the occasion, designed for the publicity it would fetch. I looked closer at the newspaper picture, and saw that it was being given to some cancer- ridden child at a cancer hospital and was being presented to…

Appeasing Minorities..!

“Stop appeasing the minorities!” shout the majority in the country. Hearing these shouts, I decided to fairly and without bias look into their angry cry. I did and realized how better to think of the country than as one large family, with the Government, Mother India, looking after it’s differently…

Poor Shane Warne..!

Poor Shane Warne. Found dead in his hotel room. What a way to go and at fifty-two! To have played cricket for so many years he must have kept himself very fit, and it’s something we all should do, for after all, in just a day, your heart will likely…

The Gates are Opening..!

Gates are opening all over the country! Gates of theatres, restaurants, parks, malls, swimming pools and so on. Streets are thronging, shops are bustling, as Covid-19 seems to be in full retreat. But even as gates open again, are ours opening too? We, who have seen death close at hand,…

No Cell Phone Needed..!

Even as communication gets easier and easier and we now can speak, see each other and know how our near and dear ones are at hardly any cost, I wonder why the easiest mode of communication, which is prayer is hardly used. Prayer is powerful, and prayer is effective. We…