Your Common Courtyard..!
“…..A common courtyard is swept by none’….” Chinese Proverb “Park your taxi to the side of the road!” I told the taxi driver gently as he got out of his cab to go to the local temple. “Are you the police?” he asked me. “No!” I said. “Then mind your…
Offering to Help but Not Wanting to..!
At the wedding of one my daughter’s, many friends and relatives offered to help, “Bob, if there’s any help you need, just ask!” Being in a naughty mood I asked one of them, “In what way can you help?” “Any way Bob!” “Well,” I said, “Most things are arranged,…
A Collector’s Item..!
Many years ago, a young priest told me he was going to do his doctorate. Now, I know that doctorates for priests in our country are a dime a dozen and many small colleges and seminaries offer the same, “Why do you want to do it?” I asked. “So that…
It’s You..!
I remember once many years ago, catching a flight and standing in line for my security check; suddenly a family of eight walked down the line to the head of the queue and the father and another gentleman who I presumed was the uncle started pushing all the members into…
Inaction for a Greater Cause..!
It wasn’t the fact that she was murdered in broad daylight that got me horrified, nor was it the fact that the public did nothing to save her from sixteen stab wounds, and even more that a concrete slab was used to smash and bludgeon her head. What got me…