Let Him Play..!

I love pipe organs and won’t spare an opportunity to write a story around them: In a large stone cathedral in Europe there was a large, magnificent pipe organ. It was a Saturday afternoon, and the caretaker was making one final check of the organ high in the balcony at…

Rallies, Rivers and Regret..!

Now and then, one hears of the death of an MP or MLA succumbing to Covid-19! As I glance at the small picture that accompanies the newspaper article, I wonder what their last thoughts were as they lay in hospital bed under the deadly tentacles of the Green Monster. My…

Running Out of Steam..!

Today, as I listen to the political noise, the talk by rivals, the rabid thrusts, the bluster and blabber, the eyeball looks, and ferocious threats, I think of the steam engine! In my mind, even today, there is no ferocious, powerful, robust, beast, like the steam engine of yesterday. Even…

Smelly Feet..!

“What’s that terrible smell?” shouted the chairman of the board, who was the head of a charitable organization that looked after those in prison. We all wondered where the smell came from, and looked at the odd couple who had come in and were sitting in front of us. Rather…

Just Being John..!

I’ve always been rather fond of John; quite liked the fact that though he was short, he appeared taller than most people on stage and even off. People said he wasn’t good looking but I’ve seen pretty girls hanging onto him and realized he was quite comfortable with himself, till…

Armchair Terrorism..!

Decades ago, I traveled the local trains of Bombay, most often clinging to the sides of the doorway, hanging on for life. Daredevil stunts like this helped me get to my destination on time, maybe a bit disheveled, and all the worse for wear, but still passable, till better days…