Cold Walls..!
And today, a story of Smiley from a play I had written years ago. Smiley was a convict imprisoned in one of those high security jails. Smiley used to look at the high walls that stood between him and the world outside, and longed to be free. He vowed that…

The Missing Link..!
Nobody had seen the boy before. “He must have come in from the forest,” the villagers said. “He is not the Mowgli type,” the wise headman said, looking at him. “Let’s take him to the city, they will know!” “He’s the missing link,” said the man at the city university….

The Beauty Queen..!
At the world’s premier beauty pageant there is quite a buzz as the audience hears there is going to be just one judge for the beauty contest. “Ladies and gentlemen,” says the compere, pointing to an empty seat, “today we have the honour and privilege of having God as our…

Nobody Saw Him Fall..!
He fell! He hadn’t seen the paver block sticking out, uneven, arrogant, catching his worn out, treadles soles and throwing him forward with a lurch. He lay quietly, waiting for arms he knew would come to help him up. But there were none. He thought of friends, men and women…

Old Boots, Shoes, and Christmas..!
Now, I’m not one to panic over small sounds coming out of nowhere, but these here voices were coming from boots and even a pair of shoes in my room, “Bob, write about us today please!” You don’t disobey shoes and boots considering they can bite, and bite quite a…