Leaders With Brawn..!

Maybe you don’t know, or just maybe you don’t want to read between the lines but with recent pictures of a bare chested Putin flexing muscle, or another talking about the size of his chest, there’s a new breed of leader bosses emerging even in our own country: “For centuries,”…

Scowling Over An Insult..!

In ancient Greece and Rome, the Stoics, a group of philosophers who preached the value of emotional resilience — and whose teachings have plenty of modern-day devotees — urged adherents to let insults go. “Many have taken small injuries much more seriously to heart than they need,” wrote the Stoic…

Safe House..!

“Don’t worry, we’ll keep you in a safe house!” says the police officer reassuringly to the frightened but bold person who has decided to testify against his criminal boss! And time and again as such a courageous person decides to stand up against the powerful, and testify in a court,…

Colourful People..!

It’s always amused me some, that in the US a black man is called ‘coloured’. I guess to the white man of the old days, anything that was not white was coloured. Today, though it’s not about the coloured folk of America I am going to write about but people,…

Happy Easter, It’s the Police..!

Today the amphitheater lies decayed and unused, and as the sea winds from Marine Drive just across the railway tracks sweeps across the once famous open air theatre now lying in ruins, its resigned silence speaks about rock concerts, jazz yatras, tamashas and lavani shows held here in days long…

Noise Outside my Window..!

“Chip-chip! Chip-chip! Chip-chip! Chip-chip!” The squirrel outside my window was making quite a racket this afternoon. “Stop the racket!” I said as I opened the window and stared harshly at him. “Quite a tough stare you’ve got considering your wife made you a good breakfast!” said the squirrel, grinning gleefully,…