Let Him Play..!

I love pipe organs and won’t spare an opportunity to write a story around them:
In a large stone cathedral in Europe there was a large, magnificent pipe organ. It was a Saturday afternoon, and the caretaker was making one final check of the organ high in the balcony at the back of the church. He was startled to hear footsteps on the stone stairway, as he thought the doors were all locked and no one was around. He turned to see a man in slightly old traveling clothes coming towards him. “Excuse me, sir,” the stranger said. “I have come from quite a distance to see the great pipe organ in this cathedral. Would you mind opening the door so that I might get a closer look at it?”

The caretaker at first refused, but the stranger seemed so eager and insistent that he finally gave in. “May I sit on the bench?” This request from the stranger was met with absolute refusal by the cathedral custodian. “What if the organist came in and found you sitting there? I would probably lose my job!” he said. But again the stranger was so persistent he gave in. “But only for a moment,” he added.

“Can I play the organ?” asked the stranger.

“No! Definitely not!” said the custodian. “No one is allowed to play it except the cathedral organist.”

The man’s face fell, he reminded the custodian how far he had come and assured him that no damage would be done. Finally he was allowed. And the stranger began to play.

Suddenly the cathedral was filled with the most beautiful music the caretaker had ever heard in all his years in that place. The music seemed to transport him heavenward. In what seemed all too short a time, the stranger stopped playing and slid off the organ bench. And started down the stairway.

“Wait!” cried the custodian. “That was the most beautiful music I have ever heard in the cathedral. Who are you?” The stranger turned for just a moment as he replied, “Mendelssohn.”

The man was none other than Felix Mendelssohn, one of the greatest organists and composers of the nineteenth century!

The cathedral caretaker, alone now in that great stone edifice, the beautiful organ music still ringing in his ears. “Just think,” he said softly to himself, “I almost kept the great master from playing his music in my cathedral!”

Each one of us has the opportunity to have a personal relationship with the Master of the universe, GOD. He is always there, waiting to play beautiful tunes for us in his magical ways in our lives, but like caretakers of our selves we are reluctant and push Him away.

Watch what happens when God starts playing; people will stop and stare and look at you with disbelief as the most wondrous music pours out of you every single day. Let Him play..!
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4 thoughts on “Let Him Play..!”

  1. I had an similar experience when I was playing the Hammond Organ in Bowen Methodist Church one Sunday morning. A stranger from Germany walked in and asked if he could play. Wow, we the choir and myself were enthralled with most wonderful sounds his fingers created. Was really heavenly

  2. Life is full of surprises and wouldn’t be worth living if it weren’t. We should be open to new experiences.

  3. The discerning spirit is what we need to pray for and this Spirit will help us to carry out our daily activities with ease and not out of your strength. Keep pressing on for a Spirit that discerns.

  4. Loved how you connected the Master musician to the Master of the universe Bob. Truly the music he plays in and through us is out of this world, literally, but that will happen only if we let him play.

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