Twelve Days into the New Year..!

“It’s still a New Year!” sang out the sun as it rose over a sleeping world, “It’s only twelve days old!”

And from every tree a collective caw, a chirp and a cheep of joy rose in crescendo, as they were warmly awakened by God’s own herald, the sun.

And when they had in full throated exultation greeted God their maker, they turned and with joyful eyes looked to go about their daily businesses.

But below those same shaky, swaying branches, men, women and children also felt the first rays of the messenger of hope….

But their greeting was different.

With eyes laden with sleep, they pulled warm blankets more closely over themselves and tried to ward off the smiling rays. “Wake up!” laughed the sun.

“Get out,” replied the sleepy people.

“It’s still a New Year!” shouted the sun.

“So what?” grumbled the sleeping forms.

“Rejoice! Make new plans! Stick to new resolutions made!” laughed the sun, rolling and spinning in the morning sky. But the people remained sour faced.

Meanwhile the crows in their branches, the sparrows in the trees, the cuckoo in the foliage, all continued to add to the full-throated din.

It was a noisy cacophony to the people, but not for a God above.

The sounds of simultaneous welcome, was music to His ears, as He watched the sun in gay abandon, wrestling its way up into the sky, yellowing a grey dawn into a lithe lightheartedness.

The cries of the birds spelt hope, and a looking forward to a year where just being alive with the divine was happiness!

Some birds in joyous spirits zoomed into the air, and some just cawed and chirped and cheeped!

The trees were alive with happiness!

The warm rays crept steadily, slowly, stealthily and surely into the sleeping households and onto the slumbering members. Unlike the poor birds who had shivered through the night in rain and wind and snow, these humans had been warm and snug….

Unlike the birds who’d slept with danger lurking on ground and branch, the people with reinforced roofs and weighty walls had slept secure….


They with scowls and frowning faces; with eyes burdened with sleep, looked at the twelve day old New Year with disinterest…..


The birds in chorus, cawed and chirped and cheeped aloud with joy.

For a moment the sun looked up sadly and wondered when these comfortable two legged creatures who had more to praise their Creator for the year gone by and more to look forward to, in the New Year than those winged ones on trees, would also rise and thank Him just like those who cawed and chirped and cheeped with joy morning after morning after morning.

For those who read this piece in the morning, “It’s still a brand new year, so greet today, with a spring in your step, and a smile on your face..!


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1 thought on “Twelve Days into the New Year..!”

  1. That’s good exhortation, Bobby. The birds upon the tree tops sing their songs. The angels chant their chorus all day long. The flowers in the garden blend their hue. So why shouldn’t we praise Him too, goes the song my dad would sing with actions.

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