Today’s a Fatal Saturday..!

Quietly, silently, stealthily the virus waits, outside our gates, waiting for one false move, of one pair of hands not washed with soap and water, waiting for one allowance of infected person entering, but till then it waits outside, pretending sleep, waiting for that chance, that opportunity, when it can tunnel in, ignite and destroy!
Quietly, silently, a Body waits: Broken, twisted, Bruised, skin shredded. Finally, pulled down from a rough-hewn cross, It lies waiting in a tomb. Those who laid Him there, declared Him dead. Those, who clothed Him there, shed tears as hopes were dashed about Him putting to shame, those who had strung Him to die on a cross.
Quietly, silently, both lie this Saturday, waiting to announce themselves to a waiting world!
One, destruction!
The Other, Victory!
One, leading you to a grave..
The other, leading you to Life..
In the virus, evil lurks, lingering outside, to take defenseless you to a constricted death, where breathless, alone, isolated, starved off the very air, so freely available now, you breathe your last, and leave your weary, fight relinquished, remains behind.
In the Other, brought down from the Cross, goodness sprouts, a noble, worthy, righteous compassion for us crying out people, that allowed a crucifixion, from which forever is conquered death!
This Saturday outside yon gates, one comes to kill..
This Holy Saturday, inside a tomb, one lies dead, to give life..
It’s a fatal Saturday outside, and one, when the whole world watches with bated breath, whether death or life will win. Whether some research scientist in far off lab will shout, “The cure!”
It’s a Holy Saturday, inside a cave like tomb, and one the whole world watches with bated breath, because they know, yes we know, that, that same still body, holds the very breath that we will breathe, the very victory we will gain, when that same body, sometime tonight, feels the stirring of life within, and sits upright, then stands tall, pulls deaths shroud off, ready to give life to the world, ready to allow same world to turn with scorn and say, “I don’t fear death, because there’s life beyond!”
The virus also waits, and knows in the morrow, it’s hold of fear will disappear, as death loses its sting and grave it’s victory, and the people shout with joy.
But today we wait, some knowing, some not: which group are you?




DARE by Robert Clements.
It will change your life.

8 thoughts on “Today’s a Fatal Saturday..!”

  1. His death gave us eternal life… He suffered physical pain mental tourure humiliation this life can’t be wasted by our neglect, by our careless behaviour. The choice is ours. Let the corona wait. Only outside.

  2. Great thoughts, Bob, which reminds me of Evangelist’s words, “He came to his own, and his own accepted him not but to those who accepted him, he gave them power to become the children of God ” . So we have a choice. Thanks for your pearls of wisdom.

  3. This transcendental analogy is amazing!
    Straight from virus to Jesus !
    It assures us that death cannot rule the soul !
    It , but leads us from life to life with a brief pause.
    The length of life does not matter, the depth is what counts. – – –
    In a lighter vein
    Soon a vaccine will be found
    The virus will lose ground
    With glee, we shall see
    The Victor , Victim flee !

  4. Righteous compassion..that same still body still holds the breath that we breathe..He will help us conquer the virus..we are sure of that..or He will wait with everlasting arms to welcome us.

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