No Fancy Fittings Sir..!

This is a continuation of yesterday’s story where a super deluxe hotel room, with a bathroom with fancy fittings, alas, did not have hot water….

And then in my mind I walk to the room which is not a ‘super deluxe room’ and go directly into the bathroom. The taps are ordinary steel. I turn a tap, and put my fingers out and heavenly hot water flows, “Good!” I say in my imagination.

“Bad!” says the steel tap.

“Why?” I ask.

“Because, we are not fancy looking like the ones in the super deluxe room.”

“Ah the ones with no hot water,” I laugh and tell them a story, “So many of us go through life wondering why we didn’t get great looks, good height or more colour. We look at others who we think are prettier or more handsome and sigh with envy, “If only…” we say to ourselves and look in the mirror sadly.

To you taps who think such, here’s something to chew on: It’s about a girl who grew up with a blind mother: “One day when that girl was standing in front of the bathroom mirror combing her hair, she asked her blind mother, “You really don’t know what any of us look like, do you Mom?”

“Of course, I do,” the blind mother answered, “I really know what you are like- what you are like inside. I know that you have a good nature because I hear you talk to the cat and to small children.

I know you are tender- hearted. I know you are vulnerable because I’ve seen your hurt reactions to someone’s remarks. I know that you have character because you have the courage to stand up and defend your convictions.

I know that you have respect for human beings because of the way you treat me. I know that you have wisdom because you conduct yourself wisely for a girl your age. I also know that you have a will of your own because I’ve seen a hint of temper, which tells me that no one can dissuade you from doing the right things.

I know that you have family devotion because I’ve heard you defending your brothers and sister. I know that you possess a great capacity for love because you’ve shown it to me and to your father many times and have never resented having a blind mother. So dear,” and she drew her daughter closer to her, “I do see you and I know exactly what you look like, and to me you are beautiful!”

What meaningful words from a blind mother, who could see beyond the surface beauty of her child. “Now dear taps let’s pretend you’re blind. Now look into yourself; what do you see?

A person, hurt, resentful and angry?

Someone filled with envy, jealousy or an anger that is distorting your heart?

Or is there love and warmth, caring and compassion?

What you see is what you are. Fancy fittings when not giving hot water are like skins that are wrinkled, good looks that have faded and bodies shortened with age but that beauty which only the blind can see and feel, is the hot water that gushes out of you!

What matters is the beauty that comes from within…!


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2 thoughts on “No Fancy Fittings Sir..!”

  1. Wonderful story Bobby to wrap valuable observation you’ve made about inner beauty being priceless but outward beauty useless if lacking the good nature ! If the fruit of theHoly Spirit is displayed,others touched, spread joy,peace,kindness, goodness,gentleness, self control, love,long suffering and meekness.Then God’s kingdom will be on earth.

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