Stand Up, Start Walking..!

In school, I was once one of the shyest guys around. Girls teased me no end, and other boys bullied me till one day at the morning assembly, I heard my head master say something that changed my life. “Most people,” he said, “tiptoe through life and finally reach death!”

I went home mulling over those words and realized I was doing just that.

A very tired traveler came to the banks of a river. There was no bridge by which to cross. It was winter, and the surface of the river was covered with ice. It was getting dark, and he wanted to reach the other side while there was enough light to see. He debated whether or not the ice would bear his weight.

Finally, after much hesitation and fear, he got down on his knees and began very cautiously to creep across the surface of the ice. He hoped that by distributing the weight of his body, the ice would be less apt to break under the load.

After he made his slow and painful journey about halfway across the river, he suddenly heard the sound of singing behind him. Out of the dusk, there came a 4-horse load of coal driven by a man singing merrily as he went his carefree way. Here was the traveler, fearfully inching his way on his hands and knees. And there, as if whisked along by the winter’s wind, went the driver, his horses, his sled, and the heavy load of coal over the same river!

The story reiterates what I was saying at the beginning. How many of us go through life on tiptoe?

Some stand on the bank of decisions unable to make up their minds about the course to take. Others stand on the banks trying to muster enough courage to cross over to the other side of the task or problem encountered. On the other hand, some individuals crawl and creep through life for fear of thin ice.

Their confidence in themselves is not strong enough to hold them up.

Still there are those who whisk along whistling as they go. Their confidence is UNSHAKABLE.

How did I change my thinking?

I asked God to walk with me, to give me courage in moments of fear, which believe you me were once in five minutes if not more, and I asked Him to let me live life to its fullest.

Today as I look back I can say with full assurance that when we face the river of difficulties, we do not have to fear, nor do we have to creep through life. There’s help from above and with that help we can merrily make our way to the other side safely!

Stand up, stop tiptoeing, start walking..!


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11 thoughts on “Stand Up, Start Walking..!”

    1. Sadly they don’t ask for it. And when we ask, we also need to believe in Him, and follow His commandments, to be recognised as a child of God. Asking comes with a premium of believing and obeying!

  1. “The simple believe anything, but the prudent give thought to their steps.” Proverbs 15

    The man who drove his loaded carriage with coal was knowledgeable about the mechanical strength of thick ice slabs. Whereas the simpleton was not sure and was nervous.

    Sir Francis Bacon, an English philosopher, and statesman who lived in the 16th and 17th centuries has said “knowledge is power”
    The divine intervention in this story, in my opinion , is that God sent the loaded carriage to give confidence to the simpleton. Whichever way one sees; faith in supreme power is important. He will build your confidence in His own way.

    When life gives you more stress than you can stand, kneel in prayer.

  2. Not necessarily!Many people do ask,believe in him follow his commands and moreover consider themselves to his child still they are not sympathetically considered.Now anybody will there is some drawback in there deed so he is not helping them.

    1. Not necessarily true. God may make even good people go through ordeals. Otherwise one can not explain why the children of Israel suffered at the hands of pharaoh.

  3. Great testimony, Bobby ! If God be for us, who can be against us. Jesus couldn’t perform miracles in His own town as the skeptics refused to believe in Him. Foreigners who had heard ofHim and had faith inHim were healed. He wouldn’t snuff out a smoking wick or break a wilting reed. He strengthens the weak who pray, put their trust in His strength and obey His will.

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