My Grateful Thanks to You..!

One writes a book, envisages a gathering of maybe fifty friends and well-wishers at the launch, then waits with baited breath to see and hear their reactions about the book, but what I saw that day at the first launch of DARE in Mumbai ( first because God willing there will be others in other cities soon ) was an incredible evening and three times the number I’d expected! Not in my wildest dreams had I imagined the magnitude of warmth and love that was showered on me that night.
For this, my grateful thanks to God, who I have found time after time, piecing pieces like in a giant jigsaw puzzle to create a beautiful picture for me, and what a picture it was.
I would like to thank others too, who contributed towards the success of the writing of the book and it’s launch: To my darling daughter Varuna, and her husband Ritish in whose house in New York, and in a third bedroom, that was exclusively for me in the costly area of Manhattan, I closed myself in and wrote all the chapters. What more could a writer want? To a great extent the idea of the book came from them.
To my dear little Amrita, who spurred me on and suggested the title DARE, thank you. Her husband Vijay, who took time off to be with me, planning the launch and giving suggestions for the design of the cover.
To my wife, to whom I have dedicated DARE, for being my strength.
To the twins, Ashton and Aiden who released the book and nearly ran away with it, thank you.
I would like to thank Shreekumar Varma my best friend, and a writer in his own right for flying down, and giving a delightful touch with the ‘conversation between two friends’ at the launch.
To Father Joby, and Father Johnson, with their ideas and encouragement,
My Rotary friends, choir members, especially my conductor Coomi Wadia, members of the Round Table, and many of those I live with who came to stand by me.
My thanks to many of the readers of Bob’s Banter, like Anne and others who traveled from different parts of the city and what a joy it was to meet you all face to face.
To Jerry Almeida, author, and life coach who took time off from his busy schedule to come and address the gathering. To Aditi Mittal, the very famous stand up comedian, and Netflix star who came to be with her Uncle Bobby.
My grateful thanks to Vivin for the wonderful start he gave to the evening, to Fred dear friend who compered the launch and shouldered much responsibility. To Dr Gibson who motivated me to write a motivational book. To Ayesha my classmate for her brilliant inputs!
There are many more, and to those whose names I’ve missed a big God bless.
And now I wait with bated breath to hear from you not just about what you feel about the book, but whether DARE has started it’s mission of DARING you on to be a winner. Then will I turn to God and whisper again, “Thank You..!”




10 thoughts on “My Grateful Thanks to You..!”

  1. We are now looking forward to reading your book. Amazon has promised to deliver it by Saturday 08 February. Hope they will keep the schedule.

    1. Thank you Deepthy my dear childhood friend. So much of the writing of DARE was because of drea friends like you whose encouragement and enthusiasm to read my columns egged me on to write a book. Thank you

  2. God bless you dear Bob!
    Thank you for inspiring me.
    You have touched so many lives. May DARE continue to inspire generations of people and make this world a better place.

  3. Beautiful Bob, how you put your words of gratitude, word failed to express how much I like the way you frame the words and bring out beautifully. Have ordered “Dare” and can’t wait to read it, will deliver on 14/15 Feb. Am sure my two teenage children will like it so much as they like your column. God bless!

  4. So happy your release of DARE , was a barnburner event !
    It is sheer joy and a great blessing to have your grandchildren launch your book with your family and friends around !
    Waiting to read DARE !
    Wish you infinite success in all your endeavours.
    God be with you Robert .

  5. Bob it was a lovely Launch. I have already read the first 2 chapters. Very inspirational. I love to read your columns especially the last parts.

  6. You pick such trivial topics like a bicycle lamp and make a lovely interesting article out of it. I just can’t miss your DARE.
    I wish DARE a great success!

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