Leave Our Home Alone..!

Just behind my home, a giant peepul tree spreads its branches majestically around my home, and sitting beneath its whispering leaves every morning sipping my coffee, I watch my friends, the mynah couple, the crows with their cawing son Babu and squirrels who play hide and seek around my feet. Some birdfeed I bring along and strew around form part of their breakfast.

Today in particular I stared at one chirpy little fellow, who appeared to be staring fixedly at me, “You like your home to be destroyed Bob?” the little squirrel asked.

“No!” I said, not pondering even a moment I was speaking back to a talking squirrel.

“Then why are you destroying mine?”

“Whoa! Whoa!” I said, “What are you talking about?”

“Look up!” said the squirrel, “At the tree that whispers into your ears. Do you know that half the happy sounds you hear from up there are we squirrels and birds and insects, content that we have a home of our own?”

“Wonderful!” I said.

“And is this wonderful?” screamed the squirrel pointing at all my wooden furniture. Do you know how many trees are being cut so you can have fancy furniture? And can’t you write directly onto your laptop, instead of on paper that came again from trees?”

Suddenly the leaves above from the giant peepul tree stopped rustling, the crows seized their cawing and there was a pin drop silence which was finally broken by the deep baritone of the tree, “Bob have you ever thought that you people are the biggest hypocrites alive?”

“I think you’re going too far!” I said mildly.

“That on one hand you tell everybody not to kill animals, because you are a people who hate seeing animals killed, and then kill us by taking away our homes?”

“You like seeing us die?” shrieked the squirrel, “Do you know how many of us squirrels, birds, insects, and other animals live in the branches of each tree?”

“Would you like to hear about your home being destroyed? Do you know how we shudder when the axe and now electrical saws bring down branches that carry our nests, often with young ones who can’t fly?”

“Who fall and die!” whispered Babu the young crow.

“I’m sorry!” I said, “Not for a moment did I think that cutting a tree or its branches was so bad!”

“Let us destroy a few rooms of his house!” said the Peepul tree, “Then he will know what it feels like!”

“No please!” I cried, and suddenly in my cry I heard a million birds, squirrels, crickets, other insects, crying in the same tone of terror, “Leave our homes alone!”

“Leave me alone!” sobbed my peepul tree, and suddenly those crumbs of birdfeed I’d strewn on the ground for them, seemed like thirty pieces of silver I’d used to fool them with, as I betrayed them..! 


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4 thoughts on “Leave Our Home Alone..!”

  1. Lovely!

    Awesome 3-D view of nature with a beautiful message!

    This ruthless deforestation by homo sapiens has resulted in the extinction of several species of insects, birds and animals leading to irreversible environmental destruction.

    Steven Spielberg’s epic, “The Lost World. Jurassic Park” featuring the lone extinct dinosaur now has an extended family!!

    Another sequel ??! Maybe, titled “The Lost World. Demolition Man.”

  2. Bobby, your article is great! InKashmir apple trees were cut by govt. claiming it to be their land. Yet our land was given to China by our careless govt.The Muslims lost their livelihood with the Apple trees being cut.Aarey has tigers on the road or in compounds of the building.

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