Sons of the Indian Soil..!

If you want to drive an auto-rickshaw in Mumbai, they don’t test you for your driving skill, or your politeness with passengers, but pass you if you know Marathi. If you want to send your child to school in the same city, parents have to produce a domicile certificate saying they belong not to this country, oh no, but to this state!

Yet, when Mumbai’s Taj Mahal Hotel was under attack in 2008, a young commando named Major Sandeep, daringly entered the hotel to rescue men and women held hostage by the terrorists. Sandeep was from Bangalore, he’d studied at the Frank Anthony school over there, had even been part of the school choir. But strangely, as he entered Mumbai to do a job nobody else could do, not the local police, not the local politicians nor the local political party, nobody stopped him and asked him to show his domicile certificate. No politician stood at the door of the besieged Taj Hotel and said, “Sir have you brought your domicile certificate?” No policeman shouted, “Hey he’s taking away my job!” Nobody told him, “Sir you cannot go in if you are not a son of the soil!”

He went in, rescued the captives, was shot by the terrorists and died.

Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan was part of the Special Action Group of the National Security Guards! He was a son of the soil wasn’t he? Which soil? The soil of India!

When we shout with firmness and conviction ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai!’ We are shouting for our beloved country! We are the sons of Indian soil, not Maharashtra, not Karnataka, not Punjab or Bengal, but India!

When our soldiers go to the border and fight, do people from those towns and villages tell them, “Go back, we will defend our borders ourselves!”

Oh no, the soldier from Tamilnadu, from Kerala defends the borders of Kashmir and vice versa when the situation demands and they are all thought of as sons of the soil, even if they do not speak the local language!

In America you can move from Texas to New York and pick up a job without being discriminated against! Their constitution allows it! Ours does too, but politicians don’t like it. Like the British who used the ‘divide and rule’ policy, our political leaders do the same thing.

If I am an Indian, I am a son of the soil. India is my motherland, and I should be able to work, to study and live anywhere in the country.

If Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan could die for Mumbai without a domicile certificate then why should I need a certificate to drive a rickshaw or pick up a job anywhere in the country?

India is my motherland, which makes me her son..!


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6 thoughts on “Sons of the Indian Soil..!”

  1. That way I am son of mother earth why I need visa to go to any country which is part of this mother earth?

  2. Yes, when it comes to receiving benefits, we have no discrimination, but when it comes to sharing our benefits, we have to scrutinize. This is what India is today. Let’s pray fervently for a drastic change in this situation. ????,

  3. The domicile certificate Mumbai is because of influx of migrant workers from North India, and Mumbai doesn’t want them to take away job opportunities of their own people.
    The North Indian migrants are now rushing to South India and North Indian contractors in Chennai, are exploiting them for cheap labour !
    My question is why are states in North India viz UP, MP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Orissa not developing small scale industries in their own States !?!

  4. When my dad had joined the forces under theBritish they wanted him to stay on But he left and joined Civil Aviation as his dad asked him to look after his sister instead in case he was to die like his mum had.There he found promotion under an Indian boss was biased

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