She Won in Nandigram..!

Yes, Didi did!
Most often battles are won by valiant and brave fighters who give up their lives to win a war. An army advances but from a particular vantage spot a sniper shoots relentlessly at the same forces, pushing them back, and gunning down their best, one at a time.
At that anxious moment, some brave trooper steps out, walks up to the commander and says, “I’ll take that sniper down!”
“You’ll lose your life!” says the general shaking his head sadly.
“But we’ll win the battle sir!”
The troops watch with baited breath as the valiant warrior rushes in where angels fear to tread, and even as he shoots the sniper, the sniper shoots him dead. But with a roar, the rest of his comrades rush in, take the fort, and win the battle.
Didi did just that!
Faced with an army of deserters, she decided to take on their chief in his own bastion, which was Nandigram. A place where there was very little chance of her winning, because her opponent’s family was quite entrenched there.
Her troops couldn’t believe their ears. For decades after Independence they’d watched leaders, starting from the Gandhi family, standing from two constituencies, to play safe. They had never seen a leader giving up her safe seat to move into enemy territory and take an opponent head on.
They knew how powerful the adversary was, but as they realized what she was doing, their own war cries became louder. They suddenly knew their general was leading from the front, and with new power in their wings they soared high, to fight what the rest of the country thought was an impossible fight against an undefeatable foe.
They watched their Didi battle the traitor, then turned their eyes to their own battles.
They won and how, all because one little woman on a wheelchair, decided to lead the way and get the sniper!
She was felled by his bullet, but not before seeing, she had won, and by a two-thirds majority!
There’s a lesson for us weakhearted here. Very often seeing injustice happening in our offices or where we live, we keep quiet because we feel the sniper’s bullet will fell us. That’s when we have to decide whether the cause we stand for is bigger than ourselves.
Didi could have stood from a safe seat, after all that’s quite a tradition among our leaders isn’t it?
But she didn’t. She led from the front, galvanized her army single handedly and stands victorious even as the lone bullet found it’s mark!
And as the sniper yells with glee he sees his victim get up and wave at her victorious troops and realizes that what he thought was a victory, was actually Didi winning through his Nandigram..!
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7 thoughts on “She Won in Nandigram..!”

  1. Truly a remarkable achievement that is so inspiring for everyone. Kudos to the little one who fearlessly took on the giants and won! Reminds me of David and Goliath ?

    1. Yes Didi did it! The battle was won the day she decided to contest from Nandigram. “She lead from the front.”

  2. Yes, this is surely no mean achievement for Didi who despite being injured fought on and showed her mettle as a real general!. Doubtless, this is the stuff the braves are made of. Hats off to Didi.

  3. Her resounding win over major political stalwarts trying their utmost to demean her, was great news in these gloomy days!

  4. Praise God for answered prayer! Didi, who’s for the downtrodden,in a simple white sari, not in a 10 lakh suit like PM who divides and rules, fair minded and a fan of Mother Teresa, at whose side she’d be late at night to defend her from the land mafia, won God’s favour and the seat from a traitor favoured by the EC.

  5. Yes , this frail woman has done greater than all the greats did together. The mighty Mody , the villainous Shah and his cohorts were no match to this genuine Servant oh her society..May her tribe increase and may India truly Shine . Congratulations ?.

  6. The little injured woman turned so heavy and big in front of the Powermovers is simply great and incredible feat. Perhaps she would reappear in new avatar when the time comes…..

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