Let Peace Begin With Me..!

I still remember a drive through Kentucky when suddenly my eye was caught by miles and miles of stonewalls alongside the road, “Built by slaves!” said my brother and I stared at the walls.

“Stop the car!” I whispered and as I looked at those flat stones placed roughly one on top of the other and faintly heard over the ages; sounds of singing: Agonized, harrowing, painful, it pierced through my soul tearing me apart with the sadness the words and tunes carried!

I could picture the poor blacks carrying stone after stone, placing them one above the other, stumbling, falling, getting up again as the whip of the white overseer cracked on their backs. And through it all they sang; songs of hope, of an escape through death!

Yesterday I heard those songs again and the same tears that filled my eyes in Kentucky spilled down my cheeks. She, Eleanor Valkenburg, sang powerfully well and there wasn’t a soul in the hall who didn’t feel the agony the negro spirituals evoked. “Sometimes,” she sang, “I feel like a motherless child!”

I thought of a poor child carrying those heavy stones more than a hundred years ago, looking up and crying, wondering what she had done to have become a beast of burden, when she could see white children playing carefree, she had to labor in the sun, drenched with sweat and shielded only by the way she placed the stone on her aching shoulder.

And when she lurched under the weight, the overseer’s whip set her straight!

As the car started again that day in Kentucky I thanked God slavery was now dead at least in America, but tyranny reigns! Tyranny: Where cruel, brutal kings and dictators army and police force countrymen and subjects into acts that make them less than animals. Where a man slogs the whole day still doesn’t have enough to feed family and himself!

Tyranny: Where words spoken to wrong ears means death, where justice depends on money in the wallet or whose son or daughter  you are.

Still, in different parts of the world such tyranny reigns and whips of a different kind are cracked as walls of other material more severe and harsh than stone, are built.

Such needs to be broken down. The world needs men like Abe Lincoln and Gandhi to stand and fight! The world needs you! So that a different song comes from our children; a song of peace and joy: Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me..!


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5 thoughts on “   Let Peace Begin With Me..!”

  1. ..with God as our Father, brothers all are we, let me walk with my brothers in perfect harmony. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me!

  2. On 15August India celebrates again freedom from foreign hand but now it needs freedom from its own bloody hands. We are waiting for such independence day

  3. Your thought-provoking article just reminded me of Bapu’s famous quote….

    ‘The day the power of love overrules the love for power, the world will know peace.’

    Sadly, we are being divided into ‘pieces’ and ruled by tyrants in power!

  4. The Bible clearly instructs how a master should rule and how the servant ought to serve. They should be a team united by love.A kind master and the respectful slave can build up society. If not, God can’t bless the offender’s efforts. There’ll be no creativity if there’s pride.Wisdom helps bring growth as theLord’s feared

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