Keep a Balance..!

“Is today a holiday?” I asked my driver as I observed the roads empty.
“All the people are up there!” said my driver. I wondered what he meant, then realised he was pointing to the metro line, running alongside the road. I was happy, less traffic jams meant less fumes, and less breathing diseases. Though I love trees and try my best to protect those that are needed, I watch so called environmentalists not looking for a balance between progress and nature. I have often seen them zealously encircling and clinging to some old tree standing dangerously in the middle of the road, which instead of being condemned for murder of motor cyclists and late-night drivers, now stands protected by these sometimes misguided souls.
I am reminded of this little tale by Kahlil Gibran.
Three stray dogs were basking in the sun and conversing.
The first dog said dreamily. “It is indeed wondrous to be living in this day of dogdom. Consider the ease with which we travel on the sea, upon the earth and even in the sky. Meditate for a moment upon the inventions brought forth for the comfort of dogs, even for our eyes and ears and noses.”
The second dog spoke up and he said, “We are more heedful of the arts. We bark at the moon more rhythmically than did our forefathers. We gaze at ourselves in the water and we see our features are clearer than the features of yesterday.”
Then the third dog spoke and said, “And what interests me most and beguiles my mind is the tranquil understanding between dogdoms.”
At that moment they looked and lo, the dog catcher was approaching.
The three dogs sprang up and scampered down the street, and as they ran the third dog said, “for God’s sake run for your lives. Civilization is after us!”
And that my dear reader is the compromise we have to make. Like the dogs, we may enjoy all the progress of the world, but like they had to sadly realise their days as strays were over. They could enjoy civilization, but had to lose their wildness and become domesticated.
Like the dogs, you enjoy all the gifts that progress has placed in front of you. You live in cities where every conceivable comfort is available; air conditioned homes, where we don’t need to burn in the heat, trains and cars, where we can rest our legs and still travel! And for all this certain things have to go.
Trees have to be cut down to build houses and roads.
Hills have to be leveled.
Save mother earth by all means, but don’t stand in the way of progress, while enjoying civilization! But wait, before I finish this same message, for those who build concrete cities with no mind to nature; you too learn to keep a balance..!


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2 thoughts on “Keep a Balance..!”

  1. The balance of nature was ruined by the explosion of population,now there is hardly anything in the hand of Indian citizens.

  2. God said, ‘Multiply’. So He knew the world can hold us. We must balance what was created for our benefit as we co exist with God’s creation. We’ve caused global warming and air is polluted by our nventions.

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