Dying for the ‘Self-Imposed’ Sinner..!

‘High Court: Can’t endear teen as dad’s illness was ‘self-imposed’ … Times of India, 14th May.
“Daddy!” I imagine the sixteen year-old weeping and whispering, “you may be an alcoholic like the high court says, but I want to donate my liver to save your life!”
But the High Court felt that since the father had brought about his liver condition through his alcoholism, it was not right for a daughter to risk her life by donating a piece of her liver to save him. The judge’s remark came, according to the papers, when a team of eight doctors mentioned in their report that ‘the recipient is a chronic alcoholic which is a likely cause of hepatic failure and has been drinking alcohol till recently.’
In other words, the learned judge seems to be saying, “you dug your own grave, and you are not worth anyone risking their life to save you’
‘You are not worth being saved!’
Imagine the plight of the man, who’s attempt for a second chance is lost because he doesn’t deserve such. Then, imagine you and me in that same situation. A situation, in which we have messed up our lives and everyone around us shaking their heads and saying, “You deserve it!”
And then a Voice from above whispers, “But I love you enough to endanger myself to save you!”
And endanger Himself, He did, when on a cross, outside the gates of Jerusalem, Jesus gave up His life so you and I could live, so we could have a second chance!
The learned judge must have turned away in disgust while reading the medical report of the alcoholic; a drunkard, someone who self-imposed the sickness on himself. But a God above looks at that same report you and I have created with our lives so far, and says, “Still worthy of being saved!”
Yes, just as the judge looked at the innocent sixteen year old, and felt the father did not deserve his daughter’s life being endangered, a God above looks at our own life, and though repulsed by the sin He sees there, still loves us that deeply, that He sacrificed Himself as a punishment for our acts of wickedness, so we can live!
“Daddy!” I imagine the sixteen- year old weeping and whispering, “you may be an alcoholic like the high court says, but I want to donate my liver to save your life!”
“Son!” or “Daughter!” God above says, “You may be the worst scoundrel on earth, but I have donated the life of my Son, to give you a second chance..!”


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4 thoughts on “Dying for the ‘Self-Imposed’ Sinner..!”

  1. The judge doesn’t allow live or die by choice. Suppose the same gentleman would have asked permission from court to end his life and doesn’t want to be a financial burden on the family anymore.
    He would have still said, No.
    You suffer till your end because of your habits.
    So he will neither give the chance to live nor die.
    He thinks he has Godly powers.

  2. So true Bob God’s unconditional love overrides every law on earth How blessed we are to receive such amazing grace and mercy which we often take for granted Thank you for the lovely reminder God bless ?

  3. Thank you Bobby for the message of Jesus who came into the world not to condemn the world but to save it. He told us not to judge or we’ll be judged by the Judge. Only He has the right to judge. We have to love, forgive and serve as He did and told us to, so as to be forgiven.Only He was righteous and a perfect sin Offering, not animals,and is The Lamb Of God,RuhAllah of the Koran and mentioned in theVedas sndUpanishads

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