Cunning People in Our World..!

We glory in cunning, but being clever without compassion makes a cheat of you!
Quite a few decades ago I moved to the city of Bombay with a few rupees in my pocket and started peddling the product I was selling, from door to door. In one of the homes, I met a doctor, who became a close friend. “Bob!” said Dr Ashok Desai as we sat in his home cum dispensary and I sipped tea his wife Meena so kindly had made for me, “In this city you can fool people once and get away, but you can’t fool them a second time!”
I heeded his advice and built a successful business.
In situations that are happening I see how true the late doctor’s words are. Our nation has been believing many promises but slowly facts and figures show that things are not as wonderful as painted and there seems to be a reluctance to believe a second time!
A few years ago, I was called to accompany a group of residents who had a water problem in their society. I decided to go as an observer. “Did you see the newspapers?” asked the secretary to the gathering, “Our city has received only 20% water!” Now as a newspaper columnist, I knew he was referring to a report about a drought in Marathwada. It had nothing to do with Mumbai whose lake capacity being around 14.2 million litres, had received over 13.2 million litres, with a small shortfall of 7%, only in the month of September!
Yet, I saw protesters swallowing his words and even shuddering as the secretary warned them of riots on the streets of Mumbai as people would fight for water tankers!
In our country, this happens often and much damage has been done to our delicate fabric as divisions have formed deeply and widely and purposefully.
Which brings me to a question, “How do we prevent the cunning people from getting away with their first lie?” Because, between the time of the first lie and the second, irreparable damage gets done.
I believe we should be vigilant. That however convincing the rhetoric, the speech and the tone of delivery, we need to question the content!
I watched that day in the meeting as a very convincing, and considerate tone had members believing how lucky they were with the little water they were receiving. If they had only studied the facts, if they had only compared their situation to the neighboring housing societies, they would have gone home not placated but demanding their rights!
The chanakyas of today’s world use cunning, they use your insecurities, they use fear, and pretend to everyone they are saviors! But if you don’t want to learn your lesson too late, if you don’t want to see destruction before you realise what is happening, start using your mind to question, analyze, and refute, not just accept and wallow in the fantasies painted so charmingly for you!
Learn to identify those who are clever without compassion for their fellow human beings..!

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4 thoughts on “Cunning People in Our World..!”

  1. If the educated get misled wit their ignorance of not keeping up to date with facts, what about the illiterate !
    It’s far more easier to manipulate them by the master puppeteer !!

  2. Good one, Robert. Have sent that article to a rabid Sanghi. Let’s see what he says. If he has the brains to understand, that is.

  3. Once bitten, twice shy.I got a girl a job when her hubby took a loan for her sister,to help contribute towards the running of the home when her sister claimed she had returned it. Her sister had borrowed from my son too. But the 2nd time she tried to, my son told her he told he had no thousands to spare again.

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