Mr Nice Guy..!
New Zealand cemeteries are very different from the rest of the world. Elsewhere graves lie serene and somber, but in New Zealand, especially those graves of the Islanders, are curiously explicit. As I walked through a graveyard in Auckland, I saw one with a miniature fire truck, another with a…
They Are Our Children..!
‘Twas two years ago, three friends and I drove to Goa, and stopped at a well-known restaurant for lunch. It was an open-air eatery and as we sat we could see car loads of families coming with hungry passengers looking famished and tired. The fathers seated themselves at the head…
Lockdown Evolution..!
With the second major lockdown being imposed all over, there is a growing concern among renowned doctors of WHO, which after Donny Trump’s frequent outbursts against it is not taken as seriously as they once were. I chanced to be there in my imagination in one of their meetings. “I…
No Debates in India..!
As I watch the Bengal elections, I imagine a foreigner friend asking me, “How can a candidate win an election without a debate?” To show him we could also have what the west had, I decided to organize one. We picked a moderator. “Your speech will make the difference!” said…
Gladys Staines and her Certainty..!
A few months ago I watched the movie, ‘The Least of These,’ I’m not going to talk about the movie here, but what it brought back to me, was my meeting with Gladys Staines, just after the gruesome murder of her husband and her two little sons. Even as she…