Brainy Children and Poor me..!
Recently there’s a not a day gone by that I haven’t been stopped by friends and relatives and asked, “Do you know how much my child scored?” “No,” I reply, thinking they have mistaken me for the examiner. “Ninety per cent!” “Ninety per cent!” I exclaim. A little farther a…
How to Choose a Contractor..!
The doorbell rang and the watchman outside gave me a smart salute and handed me a piece of paper to sign, ‘There is a managing committee meeting in the society office sir,’ he said. ‘Secretary sahib wants you to come down immediately.’ I swore to myself as I signed the…
Missed Call..!
Trust us for coining words that have no parallel. “Give me a missed call!” I told my American friend as I left him at his hotel. “A what?” “A missed call!” I explained. “What’s a missed call,” he asked still looking perplexed, “Either I call you or I don’t call…
Hiding My Marksheet..!
This morning’s paper had me dumbfounded; most students who had passed their exams had scored over ninety percent. I called home immediately: “Lock my cupboard and hide the keys!” “Why?” asked the wife, “something you want to hide from me?” “Just lock it!” She didn’t. The cupboard was open and…
Coffee, Tea or Me..!
My morning cuppa’s been getting some good press lately: Last week she was featured as a preventive for diabetes and then the papers reported that a cup a day keeps memory loss at bay! Ha! And to all those people who’ve stared at me as I sip my daily addiction…