Keepers of the Fold..!
The wise old angel looked at the little angel, and offered his divine wings to wipe the tears in her eyes, “Why are you crying little angel?” he asked kindly. It was unusual to see weeping in the heavenly realm and he was a little uncertain how to deal with…

The Greatest Story Ever Told..!
‘And where did the greatest story ever told take place?’ I asked the audience of businessmen and their wives who’d come to celebrate with a Christmas dinner? ‘Not in a manger,’ I told them, ‘but in the realms of heaven where a worried and frustrated God looked down at a…

A Porter at a Funeral…!
Normally at a funeral I come prepared to see emotionally drained relatives, unconcerned bystanders and a dead body that looks like it has had enough with all on earth including the grieving relatives. But I came out of this funeral charged, relieved and happy! Most priests conduct a funeral service…

Wear a Band on Your Heart Today…!
We are so lucky aren’t we that most of the words Jesus spoke here on earth have been recorded by his disciples and written for everyone of us to read? Listen to Him speaking calmly and tenderly to the woman at the well, harshly and angrily to those who used…

Still Waters in an Angry Sea…!
Like the fabled Dick Wittington, who visited London expecting her streets to be paved with gold, I also, many decades ago, entered the city of Bombay, now Mumbai, expecting to set up a business from scratch and become a millionaire overnight. But those same streets, gold-less and cold, cruelly taunted…