My voice is playing truant again, and I remember an incident a few years ago, just before a choral concert, when my voice took a walk! “Come back!” I shouted silently, but only a hoarse guttural sound came out of my tired throat. “Laryngitis,” said my doctor wife with a professional tone.
“What do I do?” I asked.
“Nothing,” she said with a glint in her eye.
“Salt water gargle,” said my daughter vindictively. I tried. Salt water trickled down to the stomach below and t’was the dreadful sea sickness all of a sudden, with tummy adding to my voice box woes.
“Brandy,” said a fellow choral singer.
“Brandy?” asked the wife.
“Yeah,” I said, opening a bottle.
“No need,” said the wife, firmly closing the bottle.
“Good for my throat,” I shrieked shrilly.
“Don’t squeal!” she said matter of factly.
Friendly medical book gave me a week to recover. “A week!” I shrieked to the hardcover and looked at diagrams of larynx sketched neatly in a descriptive page. The vocal cords in the book looked angry red, I wondered whether mine were deep purple. ‘Exposure to certain harsh chemicals or toxins can cause vocal cords to swell,’ said the book. I grabbed a homeopathic book, ‘Garlic is a good remedy for toxins,’ it said. I rubbed garlic on my throat, inside my mouth, on my teeth and nearly onto my vocal chords.
“Strange smell,” sniffed the wife.
“Dead rat madam,” said the maid knowingly.
“Garlic,” I mumbled sheepishly.
“Yuck,” said the wife.
I looked up. “Give me back my voice,” I prayed.
“Listen,” said the Lord.
“I’m listening!” I said.
“Just listen,” said the Lord. “Listen. Listen. Listen!”
I did.
“No voice,” I croaked as my quiet neighbour got in step with me for my morning walk. “No problem,” said the neighbour. “My father passed away last week and I can’t get over the grief.” I listened as he poured his heart out. I couldn’t say a word. “Thanks,” he said at the end, “I feel better.” I hadn’t said anything, just listened.
That evening at the choir recital, I stood dumb. The man at my side, whose voice I normally drowned, sang out. It sounded old, papery thin. But somewhere in the audience I saw a woman smile. She waved. She had heard her husband’s voice, at last. At my side I felt him smile. His slouch disappeared, he stood straight, his tired voice now sang out loud and firm. I felt a God above smile.
That night I knelt in prayer. “You know Bob, there’s so much I have to say to you each day,” said the Lord. “Why don’t you?” I asked.
“Because there’s always so much you have to say to somebody or other or even to me, now listen!”
And I’m doing that again, but don’t pass a ‘no confidence’ against me for my silence; I have a genuine reason..!
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Good reflection. Listening is a discipline indeed!
Beautiful message.
Im dumbfounded listening to the ‘silent’ voice speak volumes!
yes silence like that of God is for good but the silence of Modi does more harm to our nation and in particular to Manipur
Tiewra is right. Silence is assent.Lekhi warned in the parliament that those who spoke against BJP would be sent the ED on his visit to them.Administrators are silencing group members out of fear of the Pegasus.