Shepherds of the Flock..!

Something we need to understand is that every single individual has a right to be part of God’s fold. Unlike many other religions where outsiders are not allowed in, we have no outsiders. Every man, woman and child, black and yellow, red and white is a member of God’s fold. However, as physical structures were built or organisations registered, man started becoming proprietary and started making rules and regulations as to who could or could not enter.

And shepherds of the flock, become keepers of the fold.

“You can’t think like that?” we tell a child.

“Don’t say those things, God will get angry!” We tell someone who is grieving.

What these ‘keepers’ need to become are ‘shepherds’ again.

Allow questioning, allow dissent, and with the scriptures, and gentle persuasive talk, bring them to know what God is all about.

I have heard that many churches refuse to bury members who have not paid their dues, and have even stopped funerals from entering their church gates. How cruel can you be? Because of such stupid, and unseemly behaviour by these ‘keepers’ we find many from the younger generation leaving the church.

I know one religious organisation, which has not had a new member come in for many years. Why? Because the ‘keepers of the fold’ hold tight to their posts and have no forum for their activities being questioned.

“We are God’s anointed!” they say with their silence, even as their heads sparkle with coconut oil, which they have anointed themselves with, if they are not already bald!

There can be no keepers of the fold. If you look at the life of Jesus on earth, there were many times he got involved with arguments and debates. He was able to use the scriptures and reinforce his words. We need to learn to do that, not look at somebody questioning us, and say, “Who do you think you are?” or, “Do you know who I am?” My simple reply would be, “Does God know who you are? If He does, you don’t need to ask me!”

Most of these keepers, I believe, are unknown to God, but well known in the circle they mix in or the church they go to.

Let us, who have been blessed and anointed by God to lead His people realise our role is being shepherds. Whether you are a priest, chairman of an organisation, leader of your Bible study group, or whatever role you play, stop being ‘keepers of the fold,’ and change and take your real role as ‘shepherds of the flock,’- guiding, nudging, helping those who are in your care, but not keeping out or bullying your sheep, because if you do, you may be allowed to have a funeral in your church, because of the dues you’ve paid, but may be kept out by the great Keeper of the Heavenly Fold..!



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1 thought on “Shepherds of the Flock..!”

  1. The angels informed the outcast shepherds in the society of Jesus being in a place accessible to them at his birth. The wide men who soughtHim in a foreign land were led to Him by a star. A man on his throne, Herod, wanted to take His life. But an angel told his father to go to Egypt with Him andMary in his dream at night. The foster father was led by the angel God sent to him. An angel had told the wise men not to go back to Herod who asked them to take him to Him to worship Him, lying to them. God leads His flock safely.

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