Your Decisions Make You..!
“I’ve made many wrong decisions in my life,” said a famous person, “But I’m proud of every one of them, because I made a decision!” Life is all about making decisions isn’t it? So often we go through life hoping a problem will go away without making any decision, because…
Stand Up, Start Walking..!
In school, I was once one of the shyest guys around. Girls teased me no end, and other boys bullied me till one day at the morning assembly, I heard my head master say something that changed my life. “Most people,” he said, “tiptoe through life and finally reach death!”…
On Ambani’s List..!
As I saw pictures of the Ambani bash, what I also saw were India’s who’s-who invited. Whatever said and done, all of them were success stories: Men and women who had fought hard to become achievers whether in business, in the film world or in politics. They all had a…
Look Around and Think..!
Today’s world is all about new ideas that are changing the way we live. Just because something existed from the time you were born, doesn’t mean you accept that it continues to be that way: That’s how the motor car was invented, the aeroplane, the computer, so look around you…
Win Life’s Battles..!
Life’s battles don’t always go, to the stronger or faster man, But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can! Many, many years back I learned something I will never forget. I learnt you can more or less get what you want from…