Try Prayer Power..!
Says Norman Vincent Peale, “the only way to make prayer work is simply to pray. Reading about prayer, discussing prayer, hearing about prayer will bring few results unless you actually pray. A poorly dressed lady walked into a grocery store. She softly explained that her husband was very ill and…

Lent and the Angels…!
And as the world below goes through their forty days of Lent, in my imagination, two heavenly angels, one senior and the other many years junior are sent on a tour of earth. “Why look so despondent little angel?” asked the senior angel, looking at the face of the young…

A New Creature Am I..!
T’was on a rock the monster sat. He was brute if ever there was one. His hair was coarse and thick and fell in muddied plait, his beard unkempt, grew wild and fearsome. The Jewish villagers from afar, knew it was some bandit rogue, some devilish highway looter who now…

Never Too Busy for God’s Work..!
“Hi!” said the dead man as he arrived at the Pearly Gates, “May I come in?” “You’ll have to wait,” said the angel, “St Peter is busy, and may take eternity to attend to you!” “So, what am I supposed to do?” asked the dead man at the Pearly Gates….

Flying First, Seated Economy..!
Yesterday, returning from New York, I flew First Class. Now I’ve flown first and business class many times in my life, but yesterday’s was different; I flew first, while all around me was economy. As I sat myself down, I felt a strange sense of joy. It was indescribable, till…