Some Stories Never End..!

She opened the bathroom door. He lay dead inside. She called me, her voice hysterical. They had, had a drink the night before, and another and another and another, and he already with liver ailment had staggered to the bathroom and she to bed. It was not a bed she…

Majority-Minority Syndrome..!

The dog was not in his best spirits. “Anything the matter?” I asked. He didn’t bother to look up. “The dog is not in good spirits,” said the wife to me. I nodded and waited for others in the house to make similar comment. “Listen,” I told the dog, “I…

Anyone for a Good Repair Job?

T’was just before dinner was going to be served, he turns to me. “Hey Bob,” he says. “You haven’t showed us round your house you know!” “Come along,” I say’s to him with pleasure, “for a grand tour of Bob’s Castle. It’s not a kings palace nor a royal chateau,…

Fake News..!

Most of us constantly get different convincing audio and video clips in our whatsapp inbox: Why are they so convincing? It’s quite often a harsh grating voice of a politician and with cleverly worked out fictitious facts and figures, convincingly padded and parceled into believable packages, the audio goes viral!…

Walking or Treadmilling..!

“It’s raining in January!” said my treadmill with a black disgruntled look. “So?” “Why did you go for a walk in the rains, you could have used me instead!” “What could you have offered me, “I asked, “that is better than my walk outside? Could you have offered me the…

Taking The Easy Road..!

We walked towards the mountain, my friend and I. We knew we had to cross to the other side. We had heard, the valleys across were full of milk and honey, that jobs were aplenty, people sweet and friendly and opportunities enough to achieve our dreams. But we also knew…