Enjoy the NOW..!

I used to overhear this conversation between a child all of six years, and her mother every morning, when they’d come on vacation “Mummy what’s the plan for today?” The mother then rushed to her side and told her where they intended going, what they intend doing and what she…

Have You Been Busy?

When the lockdowns started, people, or rather some I know decided to spend time either in strengthening relationships, getting closer to God, or doing something worthwhile! Strangely, after nearly two months, most of those I speak with, say that they never read that spiritual book they wanted to read, heard…

Be Still! Let Your Soul Catch Up.!

“What?” I angrily asked the two birds a few mornings ago while they looked in at me, outside my window. Were they laughing at me? They seemed to be giggling. I didn’t have time for childish behavior and slammed the window shut. I was exhausted with waiting, waiting for something…

The Mask Making Factory..!

“We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.” ― André Berthiaume “Did you know our country may soon be the mask manufacturing hub of the world?” asked a friend. “No!” I said, “But would it be possible to…

Dare to Be Unique..!

Today, I’m going to draw from my book DARE again, and if you’ve read the book, do bear with me! It was the last choral practice before the final performance, and as I stood, along with the rest of the choir, and watched our conductor, Coomi Wadia, with deft movement…